About North Lake Tahoe Visitor Centers

When visitors arrive to Lake Tahoe, one of the first stops we recommend is at a North Lake Tahoe Visitor Center. Connect with local experts for activity suggestions, maps and restaurant recommendations, and insider tips about lakeside experiences. Our local staff is ready to help you make the most of your North Tahoe adventure. Stop by one of our locations and let us help guide your vacation.

Tahoe City Visitor Information Center
100 North Lake Blvd, Bottom floor.
Next to Fanny Bridge at the Wye in Tahoe City, CA 96145
(530) 581-6900
Tahoe City Visitor Center–Electric Car Charging Stations

Incline Village Visitor Information Center
969 Tahoe Blvd., Incline Village, NV
Look for the building with the big clock.
(775) 832-1606 or (800) GoTahoe

Kings Beach Visitor Information Center (Summer Only)
Kings Beach State Recreation Center, Hwy 28, Kings Beach
