Environment Flora and Fauna

North Lake Tahoe flora and fauna hightlights an amazing array of trees, flowers, and diverse plants, and is home to sensitive Lake Tahoe habitat for many different types of  birds, mamals, reptiles, amphibians and insecst. Explore the Lake Tahoe natural resource list below to learn about what grows and lives in North Lake Tahoe.


  •      Alder
  •      Aspen
  •      Cedar
  •      Jeffrey Pine
  •      Lodgepole Pine
  •      Ponderosa Pine
  •      Sierra Juniper
  •      Sugar Pine
  •      White Fir
  •      Willow


  •      Dwarf Alpine Aster
  •      Lupine
  •      Meadow Penstemon
  •      Columbine
  •      Indian Paintbrush
  •      Shooting Star
  •      Snow Plant
  •      Thistle
  •      California Corn Lily
  •      Common Yarrow
  •      Cow Parsnip
  •      Mariposa Lily
  •      Ranger Buttons
  •      Buttercup
  •      Mountain Mule Ears
  •      Sulphur Flowers


  •      American Robin
  •      Bald Eagle
  •      California Gull
  •      Canada Goose
  •      Dark-eyed Junco
  •      Hairy Woodpecker
  •      Mallard
  •      Mountain Chickadee
  •      Red-tailed Hawk
  •      Steller’s Jay
  •      Western Tanager
  •      Yellow-Headed Blackbird


  •      Black Bear (Please, don’t feed the the bears and PLEASE don’t snap selfies)
  •      Coyote
  •      Douglas Squirrel (Chikaree)
  •      Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel
  •      Mountain Lion
  •      Mule Deer
  •      Pine Martin
  •      Yellow-bellied Marmot

Fish (click here for a complete listing from UC Davis)
